INFORMATION LETTER FROM MARSHAL PRINCE D'EKCMUHL, Minister of War, REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECREE OF APRIL 25, 1815 restoring to army corps the designations they had lost, and the numbers they had exchanged as a result of the 1814 reorganization. 18906-30
Printed letter of 4 pages, with letterhead of the MINISTRY OF WAR, Paris, April 28, 1815.
Double sheet.
The first two pages are dedicated to the letter from the Minister of War informing of the decree's signing.
"The Minister of War,
to the Generals commanding the observation corps;
the Generals commanding the military divisions and departments;
the Inspector Generals;
the Commanders of the garrisons;
the Inspectors and Sub-inspectors at the reviews;
the Commissaires Ordinators and War Commissioners,
Gentlemen, I hasten to forward to you the decree that His Majesty issued on April 25, to restore to the army corps the designations they had lost, and the numbers they had exchanged due to the 1814 reorganization.
The people and the army have unanimously spoken out against a Government that sought to tarnish their glory: this movement will always be first in the hearts of the French.
Conspiracies were being hatched against the glory of the people...
Conspiracies were being hatched against the glory of the army...
The French army and people will gratefully see, in this decree that restores the regiments of all arms their former numbers, a new proof of this truly patriotic concern that constantly watches over the honor of the French name...
I urge you, Gentlemen, to oversee, each in your respective responsibilities, the prompt implementation of His Majesty's decree.
The Minister of War. Signed Marshal Prince d'Eckmuhl. For record: The Secretary General Major General César de Laville"
The following two pages reproduce the excerpt from the minutes of the State Secretariat regarding the decree.
"Ministry of War.
At the Elysée Palace, April 25, 1815.
Napoleon, Emperor of the French; We have decreed and decree as follows:
Our regiments of line infantry and dragoons, whose numbers have been changed, will resume their former numbers, which they have proudly carried since year 4, in so many famous battles that have immortalized the French armies. [...]
Follows the listing of the 60 regiments of line infantry and the 15 regiments of dragoons concerned.
Our Minister of War is charged with the implementation of this decree.
By the Emperor: the Minister State Secretary, signed The Duke of Bassano. The Minister of War signed by Marshal Prince d'Eckmuhl. For record, the Major General Secretary General César de Laville."
Dimensions: 32.9 cm x 21.5 cm.
Good condition, folding marks, some foxing, two small holes at the central fold.
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