Royal Guard, 1815. SIGNED LETTER OF THE MARSHAL DUKE OF BELLUNA, ADDRESSED TO THE DUKE OF FELTRE, Minister of War, November 28, 1815. 18999-5
In this lengthy letter to the Minister of War, the Duke of Feltre*, the Duke of Belluna** shares the remarks made by the Grand Council of Administration of the Guard regarding the soldiers' uniforms:
"… the necessity of making some corrections to various parts of the soldier's attire, headgear, and equipment, involving a modest expense that would be more than offset by the improvements resulting from this measure. It is extremely urgent that Your Excellency informs me of your decisions on this matter, as the moment when the Guard must begin its service is not far off, and not a single moment should be lost in dressing and equipping it. The already severe cold weather is an additional reason to promptly and relentlessly address this matter. [...] The blue dyed canvas used to make the cartridges presented by the clothing office cannot serve this purpose [...] the pouches presented by the supplier are of suitable form and good quality, but the work on them is on hold due to a disagreement on the price. The Clothing Office proposes 4 for this item, while the manufacturer asks for 5, the latter price being fair and reasonable [...] same proposals for the copper ornaments on these pouches [...]
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration and my unshakeable attachment.
Paris, November 28, 1815."
Signed: The Marshal of Belluna.
Double leaf, 3 pages of text. H 31.2 cm X 20.5 cm.
Rectangular red ink stamp (difficult to read).
Fair condition, crease marks, tear in the upper left part with loss (no impact on the text).
* Henri-Jacques-Guillaume CLARKE, born on October 17, 1765 in Landrecies and died on October 28, 1818 in Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, was a French general of the Revolution and the Empire, Minister of War under Napoleon I, made Count of Hunebourg and Count of the Empire, then Duke of Feltre and Marshal of France in 1816.
** Claude-Victor PERRIN, Duke of Belluna (1808), born on December 7, 1764 in Lamarche and died on March 1, 1841 in Paris, was a French general of the Revolution and an Empire Marshal. A drummer in the artillery in 1781, then a grenadier in the National Guard, Victor's rise during the Revolution was rapid: he became a brigadier general at the age of 29 and performed brilliantly in the Italian campaign, which caught Napoleon's attention. He then achieved the rank of divisional general and was appointed commander-in-chief of the Batavian army under the Consulate. He also served as an ambassador to Denmark from 1804 to 1806.
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