West Volunteers. RELEASE LEAVE OF JOSEPH LEQUINIO, August 15, 1871. 18901-7
RELEASE LEAVE on letterhead from the "WEST VOLUNTEERS - 1st Battalion - registration number 723 / PONTIFICAL ZOUAVES 5th Company", with two round blue ink stamps "WEST VOLUNTEERS LEGION / Superior Administration" and "WEST VOLUNTEERS LEGION / Superior Commander", and a third round stamp that is difficult to read. Six signatures affixed.
"The Administration Council of the West Volunteers region certifies that the named LEQUINIO Joseph, volunteer, son of Joseph and Marie Puron, born in Locmalo, Morbihan department, enlisted on March 7, 1871, has fulfilled the military obligations he had contracted in the Corps and his conduct has been very good.
Rennes, August 15, 1871."
H 23.5 cm x 30 cm. Medium condition, folding traces with tears.
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