DRAGOON HEAVY SWORD, Ancient Monarchy (circa 1680-1734). 28792
Cast brass hilt. Single-branch guard, pommel with ears, twisted and fluted helical grip, heavy straight blade with two edges measuring 83 cm in length and 4.4 cm at the ricasso, the central ridge of the ricasso is flat with a gold nielloed grape leaf decoration, typical of those produced in St Etienne.
Ancient Monarchy (circa 1680-1734).
Good condition, oxidation on the blade, no scabbard.
Michel Pétard in his work "Des sabres et des épées - Troupes à cheval de Louis XIV à l'Empire," volume 1 (Nantes 1999), notes in entry No. 6 dedicated to this model (pages 30 and 31) that it is “from the first regulatory system established under Louis XIV, including also the infantry sword and the grenadier sabre, this dragoon heavy sword is a component of standardization initiated by Letellier and Louvois. The hilt design is revolutionary and disrupts armory practices as it is made of cast brass, allowing for easy mass production at low cost for labor."
Blades of 80 or 85 cm are reserved for dragoons.
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