Émigrés. LETTER FROM PRINCE DE CONDÉ, Leader of the Émigré Army, to MARSHAL DE CASTRIES regarding the reception of French officers in the Tsar's army. August 4, 1799. Reference number 18920-3.
Letter from Prince de Condé addressed to Marshal de Castries.
TESCHEN August 4, 1799.
The text states that gentlemen on leave will be received by the Emperor, on the condition of having maintained irreproachable conduct since their emigration; it is mentioned that it is more difficult to enter the cavalry due to a shortage of horses. Despite his desire to serve the French nobility, it will be impossible for him to accommodate children or gentlemen who are unable to serve. Foot nobles will receive 33 kreutzers per day, while mounted ones will receive 38 and a half.
"… The prodigious successes of the armies, and the constant energy of Paul I, give me hope that we will finally reach the longed-for moment; we ardently desire to be able to contribute, within our limited means."
"… It has only been a month since we left Vlodzimir, and we have covered 1,0 miles, the march has been going well so far; few sick individuals and no complaints from the country; the Austrians are providing us with a lot of facilities; we will pass through Olmutz, Prague, and Ratisbonne, following in the footsteps of General KORSAKOFF..."
"I am very grateful, Marshal, for the kindness you have shown me, and I hope that you will do justice to the feelings of sincere friendship…"
Signed: "Louis Joseph de Bourbon".
Double sheet, one and a half pages of writing, with crease marks.
Dimensions: 22.7 cm x 19 cm.
Good condition.
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