Émigrés. LETTER FROM LOUIS-JOSEPH DE BOURBON, PRINCE DE CONDÉ, Commander of the Émigrés' Army, to Captain TOURTOULOU of the Bourbons regiment, regarding the disbandment of the Émigrés, May 15, 1801. 18920-2
LETTER FROM PRINCE DE CONDÉ, Commander of the Émigrés' Army, regarding the disbandment of the émigrés and their passengers from Russia to England,
At Windisch-Fintritz, May 15, 1801.
The signatory addresses the recipient TOURTOULOU, captain in the Bourbons regiment, telling him that he is happy and reassured to learn "that you, your officers and your brave soldiers, have left France in such a favorable manner."
His entire corps is now disbanded: "I have sought benefits from the English Government for your troop and for you, and I have obtained that you be treated as if you were here."
He sends him a letter from the English administration "regarding how your payment should be made [... ] if any of your officers or soldiers are tempted to join the Russian service, I have no reason to obstruct them."
He asks him to write to his colonel, Mr. de Mauroy, in Gratz, to inform him of the decision he is making; "as for me, I am going to England."
He was anxious, with no news from France: "Thank heavens you are now safe."
He regrets not being able to better honor, given the circumstances, "this fiery courage, and this loyalty to the King, of which you have all given so much evidence"...
Signed: Louis Joseph de Bourbon
Double sheet, manuscript on both sides of the first page.
H 23 cm x 18.7 cm.
Fold marks, some foxing.
Good condition.
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