ABSOLUTE MILITARY LEAVE GRANTED TO CLAUDE LIÉBAUT, corporal in the Regiment of Bourbon Grenadiers of the Corps of Condé, May 14, 1801. 18920-1
Regiment of Bourbon Grenadiers. INFANTRY"
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, certify to all whom it may concern, that we have granted absolute leave to the named Claude Liébaut, Corporal, also known as Liébaut, of the Company of Guilhem of the Regiment of Bourbon Grenadiers of the Corps of Condé, born in Chaumont sur Aire in the Province of Lorraine, under the jurisdiction of Bar le Duc, aged twenty-five years, of the height of five feet six to seven inches, who served in the Roquefeuille Regiment as a volunteer from October 1795 until incorporation in Russia, participated in the campaigns of 1795, 1796, 1797, was wounded in 1796, and always conducted himself as a brave soldier and faithful subject of the King.
Done at Stering on the fourteenth day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and one."
"Approved by Us, Camp Marshal and Commander in chief of the Condé Corps depot,
By Us, Commissary of Wars, signed Moreau,
Certified by Us, Major of the said Regiment"
Red wax seal in perfect condition.
Oblong paper, H 20.7 cm x 25.5 cm.
Good condition, fold marks.
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