POSTER ANNOUNCING THE DEATH SENTENCE OF A SHIP CAPTAIN, First Pluviôse Year 2 (January 20, 1794). 26231
Poster printed in black, H 53 cm, width 41 cm, presented under glass in a modern frame, H 60.5 cm, width 53.5 cm.
“JUDGMENT RENDERED BY THE MILITARY COMMISSION MEETING IN BORDEAUX, Which orders that GERARD BRACH, Farmer formerly Captain of the Ship, will suffer the death penalty being outlawed. »
Dated the First Pluviôse Year 2 of the Republic. Gérard Bach aged 52, farmer who was formerly a ship captain, living in the town of Montussan. He is accused of having shown himself since the beginning of the Revolution to be the "irreconcilable" enemy of freedom by having had close ties with fanatics and aristocrats, in particular with Loubères, a sworn priest.
Signed by President Lacombe. Printed in Bordeaux at the printing house of Silva Lafforest, printer of the military commission, place Sainte Colombe n° 41.
Very good condition, very slight small losses on the sides.
Price :
400,00 €
Destination |
Envoi recommandé |
Envoi Recommandé + Express |
Shipping France |
25,00 € |
60,00 € |
Shipping Europe |
30,00 € |
80,00 € |
Shipping world |
900,00 € |
250,00 € |
Insurance (1%) :
4,00 €
Reference :